Saturday, January 26, 2008


Jim, Berkeley, CA said...

I've always liked Bill and Hillary until last week, but when they started to using Karl Rove's playbook, they lost me. I heard one commentator observe, "They came in like McGovern and are going out like Nixon". Which I think is slightly insulting to Nixon. I've come to believe the Clintons will do anything to win. They've lost me and a lot of others by their childish behavior over the last week or two.

sweetbebe said...

Thank you so much for putting into words all the frustration I have been feeling.

I have been so shocked and sadden by the bias of the media.

I have always looked to certain figures in the media that I thought were honest and trustworthy.

I now find them reporting half of a story and twisting them at other times. Some have even gone so far as assuming things and reporting them as factual.

Why is Obama getting a pass on EVERYTHING he/his surrogates have done or said and the Clintons keep getting pounded?

Is Fox really going to turn out to be the "Fair and Balanced" news network. At least during these primaries? I cant believe I just typed that :-(

Charles Lang said...
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Charles Lang said...

“When I was 20 points down, I was a fine young man. The Clintons couldn’t say enough nice things about me,” Mr. Obama said, that familiar wide smile spreading across his face. “Suddenly you win Iowa, and the knives come out. Ha, ha, ha, ha.” (Jeff Zeleny article, New York Times)

Charles Lang said...

Someone by email said they don't think Obama's statements were hateful. I actually don't think they were very hateful, but I do stand by the statement that they were sexist and racist. I am suggesting that there is a new level of maturity America needs to reach.

Example: Hillary might have responded 'and to all the people who have said Barack is white, I'd have to give him a math test to see if he is, indeed, white'. This would enrage some people, but among true friends, it's just silly nonsense. Those comments can be delivered with racial baggage, or as nonsense. (It's true that a lot of white people are good at math, it's also true that lots of black people are dancers ... and who cares?) The fact that they showed up in the presidential debate shows that they carried racial baggage.

мрійниця said...

first, I would say that political correctness can be blinding at times. I actually fail to see the remark about "likability" as sexist. I think a male candidate might also be called 'likable'.
Regarding "imagine replacing the words 'black dude' instead of 'brother' in Barack's remarks" - well, one can't. They clearly are not interchangeable in their connotative structure: 'brother' is much warmer, isn't it? Obama has a privilege of identifying himself with 'black' population as an insider without being racist. At the same time, he cannot be reduced to a small identity box. It's a delicate balance that allows him to make a subtle joke that is not at all insulting.