Friday, February 8, 2008

Hillary vs. Obama: a Cultural Tiff

Many of the issues being discussed surrounding the Clinton and Obama candidacies are secondary to the real issues driving the 'movements' which are happening on both sides. The platforms of Hillary and Obama are nearly identical, so the platforms can't be the reasons for all the energy (and anger) we see on both sides.

The real issue? There's a cultural tiff happening in America.

The cultural clash is _not_ racial; it is a clash between a sub-culture of African America and the cultures of mainstream America. It isn't a clash of races, but a tiff of cultures.

Some African American sub-cultures have long held resentment toward mainstream cultures because mainstream cultures in America have some deep roots in white cultures, and African American cultures formed many attitudes in response to white racism.

The Obamas have been extremely disrespectful of the Clintons. Michelle publicly questioned whether she would support Clinton if she gets the nomination: that is highly unusual and, frankly, rude and mean. There is a good deal of evidence for their rudeness. The Clintons gave help to the Obamas earlier in their careers, and have repeatedly praised the Obamas. Remarks made by Barack, though, have often been outright disdainful toward the Clintons.

Obama represents a kind of black anger which is historically justified -- blacks have, after all, been brutally abused by whites. However, the justification for the anger is, for the most part, in the past. Mainstream America has become a culture that is no longer White America, but is rather full of people of latino heritage, asian heritage, indian heritage, and yes, African American heritage. They speak with a common accent, share many of the same foods and interests in music, etc.

If it is possible to get past all that, then the choice between Clinton and Obama is pretty clear. Obama has a racial chip on his shoulder, in a way Whoopi Goldberg, Maxine Waters, 50 Cent and Quincy Jones do not. It is not that Whoopi Goldberg is 'white', it is just that Whoopi Goldberg could be my best friend (I'm white), and neither she nor I would care about the color of our skin (yes, that cliche can be realized). We wouldn't be white or black (or anything): we are the New American Dream. We are Hillary Clinton's vision for America.

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