Friday, February 8, 2008

It is My Belief That a Time for Global Reconciliation Has Come!

The posts on this page lately are focused around one theme:

Barack Obama's candidacy for President of the United States has shown us that the time for cultural reconciliation in America has come.

In these texts, I discuss my agreement with Mr. Obama on some things and some disagreement with Mr. Obama on other things. I also try to push some hot-topic buttons, in order to process the deep emotions of America's many cultural communities.

After initially starting this project, I had some fear of anger or backlash, and I removed it from this blog. I have in the meantime gotten some very positive comments from African American readers, so I have decided to continue to post these texts, with my real name attached. It is my hope that the texts will be taken as constructive.

I hope that you enjoy the texts. I would very much like to continue to engage in this discussion with people from all over the world, as I have had the great fortune to do lately. I look forward to realizing the New American Dream: a post-racial society in which all are afforded basic human rights including health care.

Sincere thanks for reading,

Charles Lang

1 comment:

Charles Lang said...

A read of this post sent me a message that he wanted to post as a comment:

I think this blog may be a good medium for constructive discussion. There is nothing wrong with bringing hot topics and ideas to the discussion table that may help people to become more tolerant towards each other regardless their gender, ethnic, religion, socio-economic, political, and cultural backgrounds.

- Hubert Elie